The Path

"The Path" is a song by British progressive metal band Haken. It is the opening track from the band's third album, The Mountain.


"The Path" is an introspective piece discussing the overall meaning of life.


Little is own about the production of "The Path"


"The Path" lyrics [Click here]
This life is a dream
A gift we receive
To live and to love
We forge The Path

Our nightmare in birth
Our struggle for worth
In vain we carry on
Our mission to become

Adapt to this world It's a a chance we must take We'll play our hand


  • Ross Jennings - vocals
  • Richard Henshall - guitars, keyboards
  • Charlie Griffiths - guitars
  • Diego Tejeida - keyboards
  • Thomas MacLean - bass
  • Raymond Hearne - drums


  • "The Path" is the only Haken song with lyrics credited to Ray Hearne.

"The Path"
Song by Haken
Album The Mountain
Genre Progressive Rock
Length 2:46
Live Plays 13 (#33 [tied])
The Mountain
"The Path" >> "Atlas Stone"

"This life is a dream, a gift we receive. To live and to love we forge the path"

The Path, from The Mountain